Our Pledge

As teachers at Zainabiya Madrassah, Zürich,

  • We will provide lessons that engage children.
    Golden Rule: We work hard
  • We will run a happy, contented Madrassah for all.
    Golden Rule: We are gentle
  • We will Work Together.
    Golden Rule: We are kind and helpful
  • At Madrassah, we will be confident to try new things and take risks.
    Golden Rule: We listen
  • Create a culture of respect, trust and partnership.
    Golden Rule: We are honest
  • Ensure a sense of belonging and pride.
    Golden Rule: We look after property

The Madrassah will:

  • Provide an environment where different languages are celebrated and different abilities valued.
  • Provide a safe environment.
  • Not tolerate bullying or any other unkindness.
  • Promote respect for Madrassah property and the property of others.
  • Encourage children to become independent and responsible.
  • Encourage children to have a sense of self-worth in all areas of the Madrassah Curriculum.
  • Praise and reward effort for Madrassah work and good behaviour.
  • Keep the family regularly informed of their child’s progress.
  • Inform the family of the work to be covered each term.
  • Set homework in line with ability.

To help the Madrassah achieve this, as a parent I will:

  • Ensure that the child arrives at Madrassah on time and properly dressed.
  • Inform the Madrassah of the reason for any absence as soon as possible.
  • Communicate any concerns to the Madrassah that may affect their child’s learning or behaviour.
  • Respond to all communication from the Madrassah on their child’s progress and behaviour.
  • Encourage their child to respect others and follow rules.
  • Support their child in home learning.
  • Encourage children to have a sense of self-worth in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Provide your child with a healthy lunch.

To help the Madrassah achieve this, as a pupil I will:

  • Share things and take turns with others.
  • Be polite and listen to others.
  • Not tease or bully other children.
  • Not pull, push, kick or hurt others.
  • Always try hard and try to keep my work neat.
  • Obey safety rules.
  • Look after mine and the Madrassahs belongings.