Fatimiya Majalis

Maulana Mirza Mohamed Jawad will be addressing two majalis at the Zainabiya center to commemorate the martyrdom of Bibi Fatima Zahra (A.S). Please find the details below.

We hope that you will join us in numbers !

Muharram 2024

This year, Insha’Allah, we will have the opportunity to partake in Maulana Mirza Mohammed Jawad’s series of live Zoom Majalises on Words of Wisdom, where he will be elaborating along the following topics each night:

  1. Amr Bil Maroof
  2. Marefate Imam
  3. Ways to strengthen love of Allah
  4. Concept of good life (Hayaate Tayyebah)
  5. How to reject Satan’s influence
  6. Minor polytheism
  7. Accountability of Amaal
  8. Establishing prayers
  9. Patience

Please join us in numbers!

Marhoom Ramzan Ali

Haji Ramzan Ali was buried on July 2, 2024 in Effretikon, Switzerland. We remain in grief, and continue to pray and stand with his son as he faces this tremendous loss.

Insha’Allah, his Chehlum Majalis will be held on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 14:00, with Maulana Mirza Mohammed Jawad reciting.

Do join us in numbers!

Please continue to keep him in your prayers, by reciting Surah-e-Fatiha & Dua-e-Maghfirath-o-Darajaat-e-Aali for Marhoom Ramzan Ali, son of Karbalai Hussain Ali.

May Allah bless his soul and elevate him to the highest ranks in the hereafter.

Chehlum – Hatim Fida Husain


(We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return)

Fateha and Quran Khatam for our beloved father 

Hatim Fida Husain

Sunday, 25th June 2023

At Zainabiya Centre

Grabenstrasse 9, 8952 Schlieren

1:30 – 4:30 pm

Food will be served

kindly let us know if you will be able to attend by Tuesday, 20th June 2023


Hashim and Zohair Husain

r.s.v.p. hashimhusain@hotmail.com

Majlis Esal-e-Sawab

This event, with Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi attending in person, will be live streamed on YouTube. The link will be published here closer to the date.

In the meantime, please recite Surah Fateha for:

  • Marhum Lt. Furqan Hassan
  • Marhum Dr. Mir Asad Ali Khan
  • Marhuma Rasool Bibi
  • Marhum Ali Raza
  • Marhuma Mrs. Shahejhan Khan